Version 1.3.12: Add event booking and SP Upgrade Print

Jms Multisite (all editions)

  • Remove a PHP Strict message during the installation.
  • Add the possiblity to customize the drop down "List of sites" to replace the "unselected" value by any specific value or list.
    This give the possibility to 3rd parties extensions to customize the title of the drop down list of sites.
  • Fix a bug present JMS low level DB access that had a side effect to process the pagination. ie Article Sharing and "next pagination".
    In fact the offset was always set to 0 in the setQuery() function and ignored the pagination offset.
  • Fix the "share whole" site selection in both template and "manage site".
    The Ajax call didn't refresh the fields correctly and the template "share whole" site parameter was not saved correctly.
  • Fix the Symbolic Link relative path computation when a relative source path is provided.
    The following syntax provide the same result:
    - administrator => ../{file}
    - administrator => ../administrator
    - administrator => ../
  • Create a specific sort function to order the Site ID present in the tool "tree" of sites.

Jms Multi Sites (medium and full)

  • Improve CreateMasterIndex processing to take in account the Site Sort Ordering field. Mainly used by Geo-Localisation to sort the rules.
    The rule for the sortering is: len(URL) DESC, sortOrdering ASC, site_id ASC
  • Force the Max Upload Size to 64MB when downloading the Geo-Localisation city.


Bundled with Patches definition 1.3.09

  • In the Super Switch:
    - Add a verification that the master "configuration.php" is present when renaming the "/installation" into "/installation_delete".
    - Store the _host_ value into the cookie instead of the session. This avoid opening the session before joomla and reduce side effect in J3.x
  • Add patch for Wordpress 3.5 under Joomla 3.0 & 3.1
  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - Event Booking
    - SP Upgrade