You can find the documentation and the component here:
The correct chapters are 5.5.5 & 5.5.6
it says
" 5.5.5 Default file locations
By default Expose will look in the /xml subfolder of the expose folder for all data XML files,
and in the /img subfolder for all images and audio. You can change the default file names and locations for albums.xml, strings.xml,
formats.xml, and config.xml by modifying the corresponding
xyzXMLURL parameters in expose.html.php You can also change the base URL for the rest of the XML files, the image
files, and the audio files by changing the baseXMLURL, baseImageURL, and baseAudioURL
parameters in
Note that you will have to change
each parameter in two places in expose.html in order to make it work in all web browsers.
5.5.6 Other 'hidden' settings
Most of the 'hidden' settings of the standalone version of Expose, are used dynamically by
the Expose-bridge, depending on the settings and URL string properties that you use. But if
you want, you can hardcode them in the
expose.html.php file you can add some extra
functionality to the gallery:
An album can be automatically opened by setting the value of the autoLoadAlbumID
FlashVars parameter with the album's ID (used by direct album linking; see 4.8).
A photo can be automatically opened by setting the value of the autoLoadAlbumID and
autoLoadPhotoID FlashVars parameters with the respective Ids (used by direct image
linking; see 4.8).
A slide show can be set to automatically start by setting the autoStartSlideShow FlashVars
parameter to "yes" (used by URL linking; see 4.8).
A background image and a foreground image can be loaded by setting the bgImageURL
and fgImageURL FlashVars parameters. The foreground image will appear in a layer
directly above the image strip and can be used as a gradient mask for the image strip. The
image can also be a SWF file that contains animation or a transparent PNG image. (Can be
set in backend properties)
You can enable/disable the use of embedded fonts (fonts.swf) with the useEmbeddedFonts
FlashVars parameter. Set this parameter to "no" if you are going to use characters from
Chinese or Japanese, otherwise the embedded fonts file would become too large to be
A collection can be set as the top-level collection, making only the albums and collections
inside it appear in the album list in Expose. A FlashVars parameter, topLevelCollectionID,
specifies the ID of the top-level collection (if the parameter is left blank then all collections
and albums will appear in the album list).