Support for 1 hour
: Support for 1 hour


Support for 1 hour
Support for 1 hour.
Can be used for installation, setup, development of specific extension, ...
Before starting a billable support we ask that you send us a clear description of your requirements.
When the support concern the installation and the setup of JMS and slave site, we ask:
- the URL, login and password of your master website
- an FTP URL, login and password to check the installation
- perhaps also a SSH URL, login and password if some files or folders permissions must be changed
- sometime the URL, login and password of your hosting server if you also request that we setup the domain and sub-domain on your server
To speed up the support we will send you our Skype ID to chat with us.
We will fix an appointement to be sure that you and us will be available at the same time.
The final price will depend on the effective time spent to acheive the support.
We can also doing the management, setup and configuration of servers using WHM/cPanel as administration tool.